Winners of the Raymond English Trophy
Most promising youth performers at the 2019 Valley Music Festival.

No Identity were formed in March 2017 with help of a grant from Bradfield Parish Council and the support of Inyerface Arts and Stannington Mixed Choir. The group has now grown to 25 members mainly from Bradfield School and Stocksbridge High School plus some Year 6 students from feeder primaries. The group chose their name because they didn’t want to be associated with a particular genre of music and wanted to feel free to explore, create and develop their own ideas for performance.
Each week this group of talented singers is accompanied by Inyerface Band members Joe Helliwell on Bass Guitar and Charlie James on Keyboards and have recently been joined by Dan Carter on Bass. NoID likes to give aspiring young musicians the chance to contribute to the band and other members sometimes join in on guitar and drums.
The guys support the singers to improvise and structure current and old chart hits their own way and also to explore reading and singing from musical score.
NoID holds regular workshops in the school holidays looking at and exploring different musical styles including Jazz and Motown. Next we are thinking about our own Rock Opera and also the possibility of going to a recording studio to produce a CD.
The group perform regularly at their own concerts and as guests with other choirs and are building an enthusiastic local following with audiences loving their energy, enthusiasm and unique arrangements of pop, rock, soul and motown classics. Regular performers at Fox Valley and Zorro Lounge the group were awarded the Raymond English Best Young Performers Award at the Valley Music Festival 2019.
The guys take on a lot of the responsibility for managing their own group and have produced their social media content and videos.

Visit Facebook Inyerface Arts Or Phone Hilary 07939 541442